Minworth Junior and Infant School

Minworth Junior and Infant School

Welcome to

Minworth Junior and Infant School

  1. About
  2. Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Minworth Junior and Infant School


A very warm welcome to Minworth JI School.  I am really proud to be Headteacher of such a wonderful school, and work with a dedicated team to provide the best education, and life skills, for the children in our care.  The Minworth team is committed to every child's well-being and supporting them in achieving high academic standards.  We strive to ensure we are providing the best opportunities for all children.  Staff, supported by the School Governors, work hard to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum, that will prepare children for their future.  We really are a school with a heart! 

This school was once known, as one of the last remaining small village schools in Birmingham.  Over the years, we have grown significantly in size but everyone remains proud of the school's history but continued position held in our community.

Our mission statement is a simple one: we aspire for every child to be the best that they can be and in achieving this, we are confident they will leave us as happy, successful individuals who are ready for the next stage of education. The school's values and ethos allows staff to ensure children are equipped to contribute positively to the community around them. We want every child to look back fondly on their time at Minworth, both now and in the years that follow, which is why it is imperative we make sure 'Learning is Alive', for all children, everyday.

On behalf of everyone at Minworth, I welcome you to our school and encourage you look through our website, as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages which, give a good flavour to what life is like here at Minworth.  Please contact the school if you require any further information. 

If you would like to visit, you would most warmly be welcomed.

Miss. Kelly Lickley
