Minworth Junior and Infant School

Minworth Junior and Infant School

Welcome to

Minworth Junior and Infant School

  1. About
  2. Our Vision

Our Vision


It is very much our vision, that Minworth is the place 'where learning is alive!' and children develop as resilient, self-motivated and inquisitive learners. 

At Minworth, our values – Enthusiasm, Determination, Pride and Respect - come from our school vision. These are values that we want our children to really master.  They are core values for our school and everyone in our school community share in this common goal. 

We are exceptionally proud of our Minworth Jigsaw, a set of values and principles developed by our staff, children and parents and that underpin our aspirations for all children.  We recognise that children need to be educated socially, morally and spiritually as much as they do academically in order for them to be successful in modern Britain.  We have a responsibility to equip young people with local, national and global knowledge and understanding.  It will only be through education that the right questions will be asked and understanding and tolerance achieved. We are determined that our children be supportive, caring, thoughtful members of their school, as well as the whole community.

All staff make regular reference to the Jigsaw, in all areas of school.  Teachers deliver standalone Jigsaw lessons.  Our children are encouraged to achieve our objectives and are frequently rewarded for doing so. Each week, children are rewarded for meeting the school values, with a 'Values Award', alongside the other merits awarded.  For children who frequently strive to achieve or exceed the expectations in the 'Jigsaw', they may be nominated to receive a special award in our 'Jigsaw assembly.'  Parents are invited into school, every half term, to celebrate their child's success.

In addition, our school house teams - Hurricanes, Spitfires, Tornadoes and Vulcans - lead assemblies and fund raising events for charities personal to their house team.  We believe that our Minworth Jigsaw values help to establish children's ability in decision making, behavioural expectations and have a positive identity. The objectives set the tone for behaviour, attitudes, and interactions, creating an environment where everyone is aligned, motivated, and invested in the success of the school community.